Tips to Restore a Faded Brick Exterior’s Color

The brick exterior can incorporate both aesthetic appeal and energy efficiency into a building. Plus, they are quite maintenance-free. Sadly, dirt, sunlight, and prolonged rain exposure can make brickwork lose its pure color. Because of that, it’s vital to know more about the masonry services below that are intended to let us restore the original color of faded brick exteriors below: 


You can also give your exterior bricks a promising finish by using tuckpointing work, which involves eliminating parts of the faded mortar and applying putty and new mortar in complementary colors along the joints. The outcome is a beautiful and clean impression of well-maintained and narrow well-maintained joints.  

Address underlying problems 

In several instances, faded bricks may indicate more extreme underlying issues, such as efflorescence—a salty and white substance that forms on brick walls. In this case, it’s vital to ask for masonry repair Mesa service first to know the underlying cause of the moisture, which is resulting in efflorescence, before you apply any brick paint or clear paint.  

Expert sealer application 

A sealer application done by the experts can aid in restoring a brickwork’s bright red color while rejuvenating it. This spray tool can guarantee expedient and efficient sealing work. Other brick sealants would need several coats, while some will help in securing with just one layer. 

Remove stubborn stains 

 Do you want to make your old-stained bricks to appear as good as new? If so, there’s a method you can use that’s easy to apply and DIY friendly. You can eliminate deep-seated stains on bricks easily with the help of acid cleaners, and one product that most experts recommend is muriatic acid. But, make sure to be extra careful while using acid cleaners. Such cleaners are usually acidic and have the potential to harm any object they come into contact with when they are not used properly.  

If you plan to do it yourself, make sure to stay safe by wearing safety goggles and rubber gloves. Acid cleaners greatly work if you mix it with water. Moreover, you must never skip to wash it away and leave your clean bricks to dry.   

Gentle cleaning 

Before you decide to use cleaners, see to it that you have your bricks wet. Utilizing a garden hose to wet your exterior bricks is the easiest means of making sure that you keep them wet. Moreover, you put water on a spray bottle and fill it with water. Once the need arises, use it to saturate the surfaces. 

A gentle power wash can be enough to clean dirt and dust from the exterior bricks. For stains that are hard to remove, hiring a mason can help you in scrubbing off the discoloration using soap and a stiff brush before ultimately pouring it with some water. However, for stained or starkly faded brickwork, it’s important to hire specialized services for brick cleaning.  

If ever you need assistance with this, you can always ask for the help of the experts by hiring them right now. 

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